the service of solid journalism, the U.S.Media Corps hereby states
that reporting for the Conscious Consumers’ Network is not
objective, but informative with the purpose of pointing out ways
for our culture to take steps towards a natural resource accountable
society. In a society where every major source of news is owned
by corporations with an interest in turning a profit & cow towing
to advertisers, we pride ourselves on telling you right up front
where & in what direction our journalism is slanted & we
challenge anyone to show us where we can find any news resources
that are truly objective & totally fair & balanced. I have
invented a new term for what our news reporting is… It is
“INFOTORIAL”. We seek to deliver information backed
up by verifiable sources & data that has its purpose of delivery
clearly stated in each article's headline or lead. My "Infotorial"
style is Op-Ed injected with a lot of hard-core data. Keep an eye
out for a new USMC site that is coming soon… www.infotorial.net
(The Infotorial News Network & Community). I figure I’ll
work more on that as soon as The Conscious Consumers’ Network
accomplishes its goal of re-designing the global climate & So
give me a week or two, K?
U.S.M.C. also serves as a media & film production crew for The
Viridian REVELution, so be on guard for our media happenings..
Let’s get to work,
United Mental States Of Viridia Media Corps
Commander In Chief
(Commander of Nothing, Chief Of Less).
- We're looking for a few good pens, or digitally manipulative artisans
of any ilk. Get on mission. I personally believe that we are all
here to contribute whatever we can to the life force, & not
just to feed our needs & desires & watch as life is continually
insulted by mono-self-conscious-takers. I believe everything one
does either adds to or takes from life. So don't just breath &
take up space. Help out or get out of the way. E-mail
me if ya' think ya' can do the helping part. Please look
for another planet if ya' just wanna' be a squatter/taker..
the logo (an obvious modification of one of a Marines insignia.
I mean no disrespect to The Corps. I come from a long line of service
men. I’m working on a more modified version of this logo;
replacing the bulldog with a bunny. I mean who wouldn’t want
to talk to a reporter wearing such a friendly, fun loving creature?
Bulldogs are scary, Bunnies are your friend; Except the bunny in
Monty Python’s Holy Grail, of course.
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