This site requires
you to access the frontal lobes of your brain. Some of my
sentences may give pause because they seek to communicate
complex subjects. You may think you're reading run-on sentences
at times.
Although I have not
yet proofed every sentence on this site, I assure you that
my sentences are structured & diagramed according to conventions
of proper English. What is more likely is that you may be
unfamiliar with philosophical writing styles (My writing style
is like Nietzsche, Gurdjieff & or Jean Paul Sartre.
Many Americans have become so
used to reading & hearing sentences that are nothing other
than marketing, that their ability to deal with complex subjects
which require one to hold several concepts in the intellectual
centers of the brain at once, that they may instantly assume
something is wrong because they don't 'get' the product of
a complex intellectual notion quickly enough. Many also seem
unwilling to put mental effort in because reading itself is
now often considered a chore because it doesn't happen for
a person passively (like TV).
The desire for effortless
thought is another triumph of the DeathCULTure. Marketing
is written to be so extremely mentally un-demanding that many
Western brains have become as flabby as Western bodies because
they feed on junk & don't get worked out.
I challenge people to diagram
my sentences & tell me when my communication breaks with
convention. Considerplate that your brain may be a victim
of the adverstream which uses language to only make you do
one thing.. REACH FOR YOUR WALLET, and to in fact NOT THINK.
Westerners mostly
hear & read extremely simple subject-object - verb sentences.
What I present in this site may make your head swoon as I
hopefully stretch those frontal lobes & give them the
workout they need to kick in the higher level survival functions
we will need to reverse the bio-accumulation vortex humankind
is now within.
Marketing language works on the
reflexive, lower, reptilian brain. I'm after your frontal
lobes (that 90% area that EEG mapping shows to be active when
your brain is running on all cylinders). This is the largest
part of the human brain & the part we least understand
(maybe because we have stopped using it to pursue much outside
of the pursuit of the materialist existence that now threatens
to destroy itself because of its unbridled growth & strain
on the its own resource base. It's your brain... Use it or
loose it. 