04/18/04 Following
is the tale of my
emergence as an "EnvironMENTAList"
& "E-Co" (Energy
Consultant), complete with appearances by Dr. Seuss, a
near death experience, a satori, & other adventures from
my quest to save the planet from the unconsciously consuming humans.
I hope you have as much fun reading it as I did remembering it.
The Conscious Consumers Network was just an idea I carried in
my head until my head 'exploded' in Feb. '04. Click
HERE to read about that.
Ever since I can remember, I've had a
close connection with & affinity for nature. I recently questioned
myself as to why I seem predisposed to anger when I see trash
or a flying out the window of a car or when I read of corporations
polluting our shared biosphere as they take it's resources for
their profit.
Why have I always felt so connected to
the natural world? Why have I taken it as my personal duty to
try to defend it? I have always done things like give to ecology
defense funds, voted for political candidates based on their environmental
platform, participated in & produced works in various media
to help raise environmental awareness. (examples)
When the idea for the Conscious Consumers'
Network began unfolding in my mind I knew it was something I had
to pursue. As I fleshed out the concept it began to take on gravity
& pulled me into tight orbit. The idea of "Conscious
Consumers" began to "consume" me. I examined what
I was doing with my life (musician,
etc.) , & it made other activities seem less important.
The idea & what it would take to create it got bigger than
me in some respects & I reached the conclusion that the only
way I could do it justice was to quit other activities & give
it complete attention. However I'm not one to jump without looking,
so I figured that if I was going to quit things I enjoyed &
or brought me income, then I should closely examine why.
My first examination led me back to the
University of Miami, where I studied Eastern philosophies under
noted scholar of Chinese antiquity, Dr.
John Knoblock. I became enraptured by the Tao
(The great Way). Taoism grew out of the minds of warrior-sages
who reflected on the way nature functioned. From this pondering
they developed a philosophy designed for survival during the turbulent
warring states period in ancient China. This philosophy of being/
non-doing had found a home in me & I've often reflected on
great texts of Taoism (The Tao Te Ching,
The Art Of War, etc.). I referenced them as I
developed The Conscious Consumers' Network.
however, I felt there was something deeper
driving me. Something from much earlier in my life had to account
for my behavior before University. A tattoo would lead me a bit
closer to the roots of my environMENTALism.
That tattoo was on a girl named Danielle
that I met not long after getting to work on the "Conscious
Consumer" idea.
The tattoo was simply the word "Unless". I asked her
about it. “That's from Dr.
Seuss's’s The Lorax”. She began to relate elements
of the story, & bam! It all came back.
I saw an animated version of this story
as a child. As we talked, I saw that child in my mind's eye, sitting
on the floor in front of the T.V. watching the story. I clearly
saw the moments she described on that TV through my 5
year old eyes. I had chills as we continued & I felt the sadness
that I felt as a child watching the Lorax's world destroyed &
as he lifted himself up by his tail to flee his poisoned home.
Danielle saw my emotions & said:
"So you get it. You get what 'unless' means". I said
"It means, unless somebody does something, that could be
our fate. " I went on; "Not only do I get it; I'm doing
something about it."
I described the "Conscious Consumer Network" &
what I planned it to be. She proofed the
first article I wrote for the site & encouraged me to
continue. So I did.
However, there was still something else
driving me. The emotions recalled by the Lorax led me somewhere
else. I wanted to slap myself for spending so much time getting
to the obvious. I thought.."Oh yeah, my 'experience' in the
woods & my imaginary childhood friends."
I grew up in Mahopac (a then small town
about 50 miles north of Manhattan. It was the kind of place where
you could leave your doors open & children could wander about
& play freely without worry to their parents. Our home was
in wooded, hilly country where the most dangerous thing was swerving
to avoid hitting a deer while driving the country roads.
If you walked out of my backyard of the
house I grew up in you were in miles of forrestry.
"experience" happened at around 
age 7. I've never really known exactly what to call it. I suppose
epiphany, satori, or enlightenment experience would all suit whatever
it was that happened one spring day in those woods. You can
see that forrest in the background of the photo above.
I'm a bit younger in this photo than the age where I was allowed
to walk the woods alone & I've since learned the use of a
belt. ;)
My father & grandfathers took me on hikes in these forrests & taught me of them. As I
got older, I was allowed to walk the woods alone.
Walking in the woods became
my favorite pastime. I'd often go wandering when not playing with neighborhood friends.
Continued, Top of next column