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"I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food."

-Genesis 1:29

Conscious Consumers Environmental & Sustainable News. Viridian Green Resources
The Best Health Conscious Diet is the Environmentally Conscious Diet

What You Can Learn About Here...

• How eating what's best for your body is also best for the earth

• How simple an optimal diet is to understand & practice.

• Why Americans suffer from a disproportionate amount of diet     related diseases and what you can do about it.

Read the book I'm currently using for my neuropathy syndrome:



The Health Conscious Diet Is The Environmentally Conscious Diet
By E. 07/19/04

   In our mass-media influenced society, where we are bombarded by images of physically fit, beautiful people, there is an enormous interest in what the proper diet is so that we may claim that hyper real body for our own. Diet books were 9% of all book sales in 2003. The health spa and gym industries also take in millions annually. However, even with all this interest over what should be put into our bodies, the American population suffers from specific diet related diseases at a disproportionate rate in comparison to most other populations.

     What can account for such a negative statistic in the so called "most advanced nation on the planet"? Could it be those ultra processed, preservative riddled, artificially flavored & colored "dead" foods we eat from boxes and cans? Or could it be the meat-centric, saturated fat laden fast food we catch on our 30-minute, eat-it-as-fast-as-you-can and get-back-to-work lunch breaks? It couldn't be. Thoey're FDA a& USDA pproved so they must be O.K., right? 'Its' the same food those people with the beautiful bodies oin the TV commercials are eating .and they wouldn't lie, would they? Well, they are lying. It is processed dead foods and the meatcentric diet which is giving us and the planet a host of diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, deforestation, soil erosion, certain cancers and many others.

   What diet fad do you follow? Which book by which health guru or pseudo doctor is right? Let’s scrap all that and get down to the basics.

>>>Continued, Next Page>>>

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Expand Your Consciousness: Diet/Health/Nutrition Books

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Stories in Production Atkins diet. Loose weight... Have a thin corpse.How the Atkins diet will put you in an early grave & help the planet by getting rid of meat eaters faster...

ORGANIC FOODS- Best Buy, Best for you, Best For The Future of you & The Global Biosphere.

(Publix Greenwise Brings Organic Mainstream.)

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