are provided as a resource. We do not endorse any specific organization,
study, product or service. If you have an opinion on any of the
organizations presented here, you can post it in our discussion
out our Viridian Models. Viridian Green Girls R Sexy & Smart!
See Miss M ( the new V-Girl,
now! )
Expand Your Consciousness:
Green style/fashion books
Vote with your Wallet:
Wear Your Conscience
organic cotton T-shirts & other Swag. Wear the revolution!
I'm designing other C2 gear right now, so Sign
up for the e-mail group for updates. My equation is 'E=C2'.
Playing on Einstein's theory of relativity, my theory is that "Environmentalism
= Conscious Consumerism"
Browse the ever changing variety of environmentally
fashions available from Gaiam.
Support fair trade & labor.
No Enemy - Organic clothing, conscious message.
Natural High Lifestyle - a
unique line of stylish, functional clothing made with natural hemp
fibers, ideal for yoga and active lifestyles. Our vision is to raise
awareness regarding the efficient use of earth's renewable natural
resources, while inspiring the movement to a conscious, sustainable
future for the benefit of all. We are confident you will enjoy living
the Natural High Lifestyle.
American Apparel - A socially conscious
clothing manufacturer in the USA
Aveda - veda believes in conducting business in
a manner that protects the Earth, conserves resources & does
not compromise the ability of future generations to sustain themselves.
Tweezerman - Socially responsible