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Give me purity, don't sell me death!
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Avenge nine eleven via PeaceFair

"All progress means war with society."

The Consciousconsumers network
Edification Mode is for the education & edification of all interested in helping to create the piece of REFORMance Art that will come to be known as The Viridian REVELution. (more below).
- Fight DeathCULTure!

Once you are acquainted with the material in this mode & choose a part you'd like to play, you recieve clearance to the Knight's mode which has info on strategic events & how they will be unfolded to the public. This info is kept secret for purposes of interaction with the press & to preserve natural reactions of suprise amongst the public which will be vital to the cinema verite' film & hyper-reality show being produced as part of this art work. Links inaccessible in Edification Mode are available in 'Knight's Mode'.

Make then take your place at the 'sphere' table with "The Knights of the Sphere Cabal", "The Merry Thanksters", "The Sons Of Purity", or the "Moltitia" of "TenetMen".. We PermaPunks of the PermaCULT waging "PeaceFair" in the "WAR on WAR against "DeathCULTure". See the "Semantic Calculus " dictionary for definitions of all words appearing in the color viridian.


Ours is not a war against people but against an insidious consumer culture that is destroying its biogeochemical resource base to gratify nefarious desires that are continually manufactured to grow an economy based in the exchange of novel material goods for increments of individually owned ego-wealth 'points by which persons & nations acquire their sense of self-security. These wealth abstractions have unfortunately led to a condition of manufacture & sell first & react to harmful affects later. Same old story of the love of money being the root of evils that may find sway among decadent minds. The catch 22 being that money itself is often the harbringer of the means that leaves a mind decadent. And so, It's permaCULTure vs. 'DeathCULTure. This is a call to brains. ARISE, THINK, ACT & deserve victory! Don't be a puppet danced by the charm-arms of the moneySerpent

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