I Haven't ruled out that
possibility, & neither should you.. A good shrink knows
that it's people who think they're totally sane who are often
in the most psychological danger. With what's going on on
this planet at this point in time, who is to say who is or
what is sensible behavior. My latest inner thought is,"I
know enough to know that I DON'T KNOW" & I feel this
may be a healthy reflection for most of humankind.
That said, if you continue
to read the contents of this site or my about
me page your bound to think I'm nuts no matter what I
say or do.. And that's OK with me.
If when you read my "Declaration
of INTERdependence of The Eleven United Mental States of Viridia"
& then turn away if I see ya' on the street, well I won't
judge ya'.. This is all just a meandering poly-metaphysical
art project that I hope will make some social contributions
as it unfolds. I hope to find kindred spirits to help that
unfolding, & that is what this web site is here for.
The bottom line is that this whole project
has just sort of created itself through me since
my near death experience, & I'm just following where
it leads me.
This project has a simple little
intention of using multi-media creations to foster modes of
consciousness more symbiotically integrated with the manifestations
of the biogeochemical realm in which we are cradled.. Simple,
This REVELution doesn't
need followers.. It needs particicreators.
There is no purple kool aid & I do not want you to move
into the woods with me & my legions of flying monkeys
(although, if yu have some you can lend, that would be cool.

REVEL part of this REVELution
is not a misspelling, but a key component to the success of
both this piece of morphing art & the positive outcomes
it intends.
The key here is for individuals
to find a way they can enjoy themselves in the serious work
toward improvements in the quality of life for the sake of
all life & greater assurances that a future for life on
earth is not so adversely affected by humanity's process of
I (& a lot of people
waaAAY smarter than I) have done the environmental math, &
we are in a bit of trouble, but we can still turn things around.
I'm enough of an optimist to believe that we can do it through
a consciousness revolution & not a bloody one (we have
enough of those in our history).
So click around &
find your place here; or, I hope that if you don't find a
place here, that you will help elsewhere, for the sake of
life, liberty, & the pursuit of happiness, in one for
all & all for one, because we're truly all in this together.
No one here gets out alive. 