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Dictionary of Semantic Calculus
A • B • C . . . . . . . . . . go to alpha index page

 adverStreamix: n.- advertisement + stream + matrix -

The constant flow of advertising delivered in the consumer CULTure meant to keep people in acts of unconscious consumption. The adverstream is designed to make people buy first & ask questions later (if at all). The adverstream includes all media & is constantly searching for new ways to flow in front of humankind's perceptions. The places you can look or listen & not see or hear the adverstream matrix are continously shrinking as advertisers ceaselessly search for new & novel ways to pimp products & services

bioaccumulation Vortex : n. -

This is not a semantic calculus word, but a concept of mine. I had of vision of this when I painted this painting. Whereas bioaccumulation is a scientific term denoting the accumulation of a substance, such as a toxic chemical, in various tissues of a living organism: i.e. the bioaccumulation of mercury in fish, my concept twists that term a bit & adds a vortex property to my view of the ecological tipping point a growing majority of environmental scientists believe many ecosystems are reaching. The clearest & perhaps most important example is the global warming / greenhouse issue. If the planet continues to retain heat because the blanket of smog we continue to pull over the atmosphere with each press of the gas pedal on our S.U.V's so we can beat the yellow light to pick up the friggin' kids from soccer practice in time to get home to catch our favorite reality show, we add to that blanket wich brings us closer to the point where a chain reaction will begin. The ocean warms & UV rays begin that plankton die off that kills the oceanic food chain , wreaks global havoc in starvation, & an irreversable die off begins. A vortex sucks everything near it toward its center with great force, & requires an exponentially greater force to stop or reverse its momentum once it begins. Once we reach that tipping point in global temp & plankton begin to die, the vortex that accumulates all biological entities has begun. No amount of political speech making, marketing (which in this day of congressional lobby, are one and the same thing).. No words or works of man will stop it. So go gas up your monster truck & kiss your ass goodbye. & Thanks for taking the rest of us with you, Cappy.

cappy: n. - captives of capitalist consumer culture. Personalities chatacterized by an often obsessive - compulsive materialism. These victims of the corporate "adverStream" matrix often have almost no philosophical or spiritual thought life, & if they do it is often based on fictional television or movies delivered as part of the adverstream & almost completely un-grounded in any respected data resource or support in empirical methodology. ('cappy' is a proper name & not a word of semantic calculus, in that it doesn't apply any of the properties of exponential word fusing. It's more of an insult than a definition of semantic calculus.

A favorite chant of the "TenetMen" is "Cappy don't surf!" For definition of Viridian surfing CLICK HERE.

considerplate v. consider + contemplate

This word is sort of me bitching about how I see many people unwilling or perhaps unable to stop & really contemplate complex issues regarding the affect our modern mode of life is having on the future history of all life on earth. Neitzche wrote a bit about having a meditative mind when considering aspects of spirit, physics & existence, & to considerplate is my request for the meditative mind set I hope people will get into while interacting with this web site. Considerplate your daily behaviors for ways they can be altered toward more symbiotic integrations with universal law. With so much of our communication being subjugated to the simplest subject-object-verb sentences used in the marketing language we've become accustomed to hearing (remember, that marketing language is written to make you NOT THINK, but TO CONSUME WITHOUT THOUGHT. Higher parts of your brain may be flabby from non-use. Use it or loose it along with your planet. See the Viridian Considerstitution for more.

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