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Avenge nine eleven via PeaceFair
The Consciousconsumers network
surf on the life force or fight it & so make the death - force
    Surf the life force or fight it & in so doing create a death-force. Everytime we go against a life force we create a death-force. Fire at will.. The discovery which put the technology of incineration into the hands of humankind is old technology (see "Quest For Fire"). Fire is a naturally occuring force.. (The sun, lightning, etc.). Human control of fire & the tech that allows us to incinerate at will is something altogether different.

     A higher tech would be to harnass fire in its natural states.. An example of this is the photo voltaic effect. We have P.V.. We do not choose to put valiant efforts behind developing it for mass use. Instead the 4th largetst industry on the planet chooses to re-develop internal combustion engines as if they could ever not exhaust the poisons they burn.


     One way fights life force, the other surfs it.. Change!, We need to see how ride-able the other universal forces are! Surf or fight! Surf or die.. Is that clear? This is tenet #3 of the Viridian REVELution. Try to discern all technology & everything you do from this vantage. Do you surf? 'Cappy ' don't surf.. Viridians do. Viridian TenetMen & Merry Thanksters will wage PeaceFair to establish this change.
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