Kasmer is a self-termed ‘technological psychic’. “I
have a visualization basis from which I invent. I first see how
something should work & be put together, then I get to work
formulating & constructing it.”
deciding I couldn't work on weaponry any more, I got it in my
head to try to build a solar car & I began design on my ‘Mag-One’

CAD draft of the Mag-One
click to enlarge
covering the Mag-One with silicon photocells. The photocell’s
problem is voltage, so there needs to be hundreds connected in
series parallel. Shadows & lack of light cause problems.”
So Kasmer is creating a switching network, sort of like the old
phone switching networks, to compensate.
electolyser in my car would expel Oxygen. I’m also using
flywheel technology with a system to store kinetic energy as the
car moves. Gyroscopic forces of the flywheels are also integrated
to keep the car from ever tipping over at high speeds. I also
employ a Static vacuum generator to get the car moving from 0
to 60 in 900 milliseconds.”
read it right. Zero to 60 in 900 milliseconds is what the man
said. “The vacuum down-force makes the car weigh 12,000
pounds in terms of tire traction. Couple that with several thousand
horsepower-seconds stored in the flywheels & a variable Hydristor
able to brutally transfer the very high momentary horsepower to
accelerate the 3,000 pound car at 3 'g's of acceleration. The
Mag One will stop from 60mph in two car lengths.”
plan is to use the Hydristor to finance the rest of the Mag-One
project, although I’m sure that interested investors wouldn’t
be turned away from getting this project done more quickly. An
interested investor is what Tom may have on his hands right now.
While I was interviewing him, Tom received a message from a rather
interesting interested investor whom many would recognize by name.
Upon hearing this news, this reporter exclaimed - “Hey Tom,
maybe I’m good luck for ya.”
this partnership does happen, it would be a nice scoop for yours
truly to report it. Tom gave me permission to publish that information,
so you’ll have to come back to read all about it. Sign
up for the C2 e-mail list & be among the first to know.
discussed other possible applications of the Hydristor which include
home heating & cooling. “There
have been freon heat pump systems available since 1950 to A.C.
& heat homes. With the hydristor we can increase their efficiency
& return 10 times the energy to heat or cool a house.”
spoke about the Stirling engine, another long available technology
that can be harnessed in conjunction with the Hydristor to improve
current consumer technologies.
Hydristor technology can be employed to harvest latent heat energy
from the air (see patent
documents for more info on this technology) . Air
temperature does not drop when light disappears. We are not in
the vacuum of space. We can harvest this air heat. It is a bit
like how the cycle of nature fuels the Niagara Falls system. I
consider the hydristor to be a technological creature from nature.
God put Niagara falls there for us to learn from. It’s a
perfect energy production system.”
- next column)
leads us to another of Kasmer’s budding endeavors, the ‘Niagara
Falls in a box’ project. This system would combine the Stirling
engine & hydristor circuits. “Think free energy, zero
emissions, no more hanging wires & power poles.”
C2 - What do you
think are the obstacles to having your Hydristor mass integrated
into automobile manufacturing in this country?
T.K. – “Money.”
C2 - Is there
perhaps a major auto manufacturer abroad who might more readily
utilize your technology? Volvo did some of the first work on electric
& alternatively fueled vehicles.
T.K. –
“In time, the Hydristor will go to World markets. Initially,
I am a ‘made in USA’ guy. I am
trying to work with US manufacturers. I’m willing to work
with anyone who can help make a difference for the future of our
C2 - What
would a Hydristor retrofit of most automobiles on the road today
involve? Would it be something the average consumer could afford
to do with their current car, or would it be a matter of buying
a new car with a hydristor factory installed?
T.K. –
“It will fit into existing cars. The army is interested in
retrofitting military vehicles. There are 5 sizes of the Hydristor
torque converters to fit all cars through adapters. The plan is
to have the Hydristor manufactured so that it can be installed at
the local mechanic shop for about 1500 bucks. It will save the consumer
money, cut oil consumption & go like the hammers of hell.”
“What we are talking about here is maximum power
transfer & super efficiency. The Hydristor gives a way to variably
connect the engine to the load in whatever way you want. There’s
a Steven Segal movie where he’s asked who he is & his
reply is - ‘I am just a lowly cook’ to indicate he is
not someone of importance. I drew inspiration from this in that
the Hydristor is just a 'lowly pump' with an ultimate simplicity
that can change the future.”
“Any place
you have anything that has anything to do with energy consumption
or conversion, the hydristor can make it more efficient.
C2 –
Anything you want to say in closing?
T.K –
“In my view, high efficiency is high intelligence. It seems
like we have another type of intelligence crises on our hands in
this country. I mean, if man is so intelligent, then why isn't each
generation noticeably smarter than the last? We’re doing something
wrong. We are not passing on what we’ve learned to our children
in any efficient way. To me it seems that society has just been
using the most convenient lie to make it all look good & children
grow up in these lies. We’ve got to change that.”
regard to business, I think 21st-century corporations should be
in the business of going out of 20th-century / industrial age business
& go on to new endeavors (as opposed to hanging on like the
buggy-whip crowd). Where I grew up I saw the Endicott Johnson shoe
company ship it’s technology overseas. They’re now out
of business. We need change & to worship something more than
the dollar.”
C2 - Thank
you & God bless.
(03/28/05 update
Hydraulics magazine asked Tom to show his invention at the March
convention. This will expose the invention to thousands & I
will be back with an update on this story as soon as I can contact
Tom again. Tom has also gotten the attention of 4 time Indy winner
Tom Sneva who has begun consulting on the project & has offered
a number of interesting proposals for the technology. So stay tuned.
update Article on Hydristor's progress in the Binghampton
Hydristor for Techies:
Here’s a little more info for those of you interested in what
the hydristor is & how it works -
• Infinitely
variable hydrostatic transmission; hydraulically & pressure
balanced for the transfer of very small amounts of horsepower to
thousands of horsepower efficiently & on demand. Engineered
to accept any amount of hydraulic force, & through the manipulation
of 'analog' valve fluid gates, deliver the pressure to a dual set
of hydraulic motors.
• Able to transfer up to 1000 horsepower
& higher with a 97+% efficiency. Standard torque conversion
is 60% efficient at best. What can this mean for consumers? SUV’s
with 100 miles per gallon, zero to 60 in 5 seconds (3 seconds for
sports cars). For more info on How
it Works, type Hydristor into the google box at the left.
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