seal of my so called "Knights"
of "The
Viridian REVELution" "REFORMance
Art " project is actually a symbol that outlines
a system of meditation & scholarship I've developed over
my years of seeking answers to life's "big questions"
which I've asked as long as I can remember. This was clarified
to me during my
near death experience.
The seal in the right column is the visual representation
of this system. I saw this symbol & received this data
during my N.D.E.
I always sought to know
what life is, where it flows from, where is it going &
what our human place is within it. I was that kid who asked
why of everything & never stopped. I must have been the
biggest pain in the ass to my parents. I suppose it was my
quest to answer these questions & love of the tales of
King Arthur combined with studies of philosophy, religion
& the hard sciences that helped create my spherical system
& the idea of knights who would embrace it on a quest
to bring balance between man & nature.
I I've always thought
that wisdom lies at some mid point between the extreme points
of view within the collected thoughts & discourses of
human history (i.e. the noosphere
I've therefore dedicated a huge part of my life to studying
the most ancient & the most cutting edge work to be found
on these subjects , & then sought to consider each in
their contradictory extremes & from their polar opposite
viewpoints. The idea is to seek the best sources of data on
the subject under consideration & engage in comparitive
My libretto for the "Viridian
REVELution" REFORMance
Artt piece
features the "Knights
of the Sphere Cabal
" characters who seek to venture into these extremes
in search of the wisdom by which they may attain the grail
of truth from which to sip solutions to ransom Eden back from
the grasp of the "Money$erpent-
(their dragon to slay) & the culture of death (or DeathCULTure
it has created.
I've given these Knights the
system I use in my study of the universe (represented in the
graphic at the top of the page). Click
here to pop it up in it's own window if you want
to look at it as you read. We will also use this system to
paths toward the positive changes we envision
for our society through artwork & other methods of PeaceFair.
Arrow forward=
(seeking latest, cutting edge sources of empirical information
& scholarship as it specifically relates to whatever question
is at hand.
Arrow back=
Considering the most ancient sources of wisdom, & spiritual
Arrow up
= Considerplation
of data via study
of the outer cosmos via technologies such as Hubble. Considering
the largest & furthest matter of our universe often helps
answer the nearest & smallest questions of atomic space.
Arrow down
(seeking empirical data sources by study of subatomic space
via technologies such as electron microscopes & CERN which
examines the smallest & innermost matter of the universe
& the energy arranging it.
this: Despite all our technology we don't know the largest
or smallest dimensions of our reality. What our latest tech
does seem to show us is that it may be that we can go as far
into space as we can go out & that our universe may expand
infinitely outward into never ending outer space as well as
infinitely inward to ever smaller realms of space.
I sum it up in this phrase:
"Reality is simultaneously as far out as in." Meditating
on this is what I call "The Knight's Mind Hatha Yoga"
because it stretches the mind between the two most infinitely
opposite points we can imagine to exist in the physical universe.
top of next column

inward = seeking information from within the self,
& promoting scholarship of the self.. This is in keeping
with Descartes "I think, therefore, I am", which
may in fact be the only thing that separates humanity from
all the other biological entities in known existence as we
appear to be the only creatures that are conscious of our
own consciousness (self reflective thought).
Within The "Viridian
REVELution" "REFORMance
Art" piece , this is also to remind those
who decide to take the part of a Knight
to walk as psychonauts
& be engaged in a living communion with the life of thoughts.
The inward arrow is to remind Knights
to be in an active, walking meditation of the self as part/parcel
of the universe & in communion & relationship with
it at all times throughout day to day activities.
Arrow Outward
This looks like an elongated rectangle in the center of the
sphere because it is the arrowhead pointing back at you from
the heart center of the sphere. This represents the Knight's
Quest to spread wisdom gained in promoting scholarship of
the self within the totality of the universe to the fellowship
of humankind who may be trapped within the DeathCULTure.
This is part of the Knight's quest in the "REFORMance
Art" script. I've recently condensed these
ideas in a feature film screenplay entitled "Apocalypse
Near" & am in the pre-production phase of brining
it to the big screen to play the international film festival
circuit. (I'm
a graduate of U.M.'s film school & have been in the independent
film business most of my adult career life).
dragon to slay in the Viridian libretto is the MoneySerpent.
To play at slaying this imaginary dragon through "REFORMance
may actually help to truly free some people from the constrictions
money anxieties have put on humanity & the whole of the
The Infinite Heart
- Depicting Infinite love which must guide all study &
interactions between the elements & humankind if we are
to progress with wisdom gained without repeating the tragedies
of our bloody history.
Central to all is the
"CenterSphere"... This is the centrifuge point at
the epicenter of the symbol upon which the Knight contemplates
because it is both the alpha & omega point where light
& life concentrates & emanates. This point is at the
center crossroads of the infinity sign and the arrowhead pointing
toward you. These represent the sphere spreading out in all
directions as it simultaneously collapses inwards towards
a either an infinity or omega point where it seeks to fold
its totality into a new dimension of inner peace & outward
in the knight's manifestations of that peace while interacting
in the surrounding DeathCULTure.
I reflect on the following
mental image in my meditations when I try to visualize my
"Sphere Cabal" way to wisdom.. I visualize a silver
sphere filling with pure white light at the point of it's
epicenter (or 'spherecenter'). the point simultaneously radiates
this light in all the directions of it's "spherecumference"
as it is filled with light flowing into it from all the directions
of it's "spherecumference". Light emanates out to
expand the sphere as it flows in at the same time. The sphere
at once expands as light whilst absorbing the light that lets
it shine. Growth is infinitely inward & out ward simultaneously
& always growing in intensity. I'm sure that at one point
it will either explode or implode in my mind's eye. Modern
physics supports my visualization. Space, time & matter
appear to go simultaneously inward to the smallest point &
outward to the farthest reaches of space. This is the same
image of an all embracing, all consuming light that I became
aware of while
at the point of brain death in February 2004. This was
the image of the active moment of peace forming the universe
of material & consciousness & all the activities that
go with them. I'm looking for a 3-d computer graphics animator
who can help me produce this imagery.
The "2" beside
each arrowhead is to square the "V" image to designate
the intended quest of my 'Reformance Art" script to accomplish
"Viridian Victory" over
DeathCULTure. Up until the 1960's hippie
movement the"V" shape created when raising the index
& middle finger together stood for "victory"
& not a "peace" sign. The Viridian "V-Squared"
& the hand sign of this"REFORMance
movement means Victory by & through the proactive creation
of peace by waging PeaceFair.
Between Worlds
Further mysteries will remain within the cabal until the time
that it is revealed that †he
inner mystery of the commonwealth will have the widest
possible effec†on the outer sanctum (the public).
Knights, click
here to view the
current inner-sanctum blog version & amend it from
your meditations.
∞ Love ,
E. Haase
( HawkIconoclast