04/15/06 I invented a label for myself:
am a "MetaPoliPhysician": (Meta -
political - science - artist). I seek revolutionary environMENTAL
change without the violence that usually accompanies revolutions,
via a genre I'm creating that I call "REFORMance
Art". My 'Viridian
REVELution' piece will introduce this genre. Despite some of
the spookish imagery, this is a peaceful & comedic experiment
in interactive
filmmaking, social
"happenings", books
& music. The imagery & slogans are to awaken & lure
compatriots, just as Patrick Henry & 'The Sons of Liberty did
in the dawning American Revolution. Without their art, slogans &
print press, the American Revolution may have never been. Patrick
Henry, Sam Adams & Paul Revere had a print press,Deadman has he Internet & print
on demand.
U want to enter beyond this bardo, I ask that you 1st acquaint yourself
with the C2
site, particularly the E=C2
equation, to become familiar with some of 'The REVELution's
tenets. Then if you feel like getting involved in the quest you
can contact
We've begun the REVELution's; comedic & musical
'happenings', in the Tampa area.
I launched the
web site explaining the modalities of this madness in Jan. 2006.
mE (The Commander In Chief..
[Commander of Nothing, Chief of LESS]); if you're interested
in joining with us, Or just message
me if you wanna' tell me I'm nuts. With what's happening within
earth's so called 'civilizations', I consider being called nuts
a compliment=->
"Declaration of INTERdependence of the 11 United Mental States
of Viridia" & the web
site beyond this page specifically lays the reasons
& groundwork of the opening phases of this 'REFORMance
Art' REVELution.
You may also join the C2
E-mail group to be kept informed of the REVElution's misadventures.
The Viridian REVELution.
Wage 'PeaceFair' in the fight
against DeathCULTure.
The following is excerpted from the
' Viridian Declaration of INTERdependence'
of recorded history hath shown that humankind is disposed to ignore
evils while evils are ignorable, than to right themselves by abolishing
the effects of evils they are becoming slackened & bloated by.
However, when repeated abuses pursuing the same object, which in
our case seems to be that which has been
called the 'root of all evil', probably because of its ability to
implant greed, covetous, & all manner of warfare amongst humankind,
then humankind must cast off the slackening blinders & bloat
& make objective assessments. In so doing we may find that humankind
has been evinced of what Abraham Lincoln called ”the higher
angels of his nature”. 'Proper ganders' may show that the
root of all evil has pit humankind against itself & their very
sources of biological sustenance, & placed the majority of living
creatures under the absolute despotism of a
‘ DeathCULTure
'DeathCULTure ani-graphic
© 2005 DeadmanTalking
is our right, indeed it is our duty, to throw off such systems,
& to provide new infrastructures for the future security of
all biological entities & the integrity of the only known planet
upon which any biological entity has a snowball’s chance in
Hell of existing.. This statement is literally true, as most known
celestial bodies are nuclear furnaces which disintegrate biological
entities, just as we have, by choice, engineered our neutron bombs
to do.
has been, & will worsen to be, the patient sufferance of biological
entities; & such is now the necessity which constrains us to
alter our present infrastructures. The Viridian REVELution I propose
will fight no human, governmental or biological entity, because
must do something to expose deathCULTure B-4 we are forced to fight
it Old-School style, like this.. Clicking 'Old
School' will begin downloading a 7 M.B. streaming video,
so if you have a slow connection be patient! (It only takes about
30 seconds via broadband). This is a trailer I directed from a cyberpunk
sci-fi screenplay I pitched to the Sci-Fi channel after I graduated
film school.
My film's theme centers on a
sect of street warriors trying to preserve the last hidden bastion
of uncorrupted biosphere from a corporate theocracy bent on destroying
all evidence of the natural world in an otherwise, completely synthetic
age. It's a sci-fi/quantum - ghost story/ war - epic/ monster movie
with environmental & historical signifigance.. The ultimate
cult film for a synergetic future.
I wrote & directed the trailer & produced it with my buddy
Michael Delgado who made all the sets, props & costumes &
showed me how to set things on fire without burning them down. We
shot it guerilla style in & around Miami on a shoestring budget
from the Sci-Fi Channel. As I create this Viridian REVELution piece
I'm thinking that this film's time may come again, so I'm dusting
off & updating the screenplay to have it at the ready.

Lexington, Mass., April
19, 1775
School fighting vs my New
School of PeaceFair...
I have a plan, but others are needed to wage 'PeaceFair in this
'Reformance Art' 'Viridian REVELution.'
Art is our weapon, comedy
our sword, integrated spiritual cosmology our head-butt.
also interact with the economic arm of the REVELution at
or view some of my other environMENTAL
art on the ImagiMedia
web site. Elan vitale!, -E.

of course, you can't have a REVELution
without a freakin' T-Shirt ... and..

All the best REVELutions have PANTIES!  |