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"The men who try to do something & fail are infinitely better than those who try to do nothing & succeed."

- Lloyd Jones

‘Aneurysmic’ Epidemic?
Why the recent bubbling of aneurysm cases?
By "E" (06/22/05, Carolyn Hines (copy editor)
Field reporting by United States Media Corps.
Aneurysm Epidemic?, pg. 2

<<<continued from page one<<<

“There is a breaking news story I’m investigating that comes to me through an old friend. (Click on the Pure Produce Greenhouse link at the end of this article)6 & check out what very well could be a saving technology for our current produce mineral & pesticide crises… I am doing an interview for a forthcoming article on this technology & it’s founders, so stay tuned for the next C2 E-mail blast. Until then, question authority, buy organic, (more expensive than regular produce, but you get more for your money, including more ‘normal’ levels of nutrition which should be in the deficient produce you’re in effect wasting your money on. Also remember that the price of organic produce would fall if demand were higher). Read more about this in my article: "The Health Conscious Diet Is The Environmentally Conscious Diet".

    So, vote with your dollars to actively participate in keeping this country’s farmlands fertile & healthy. Remember that the U.S. began & established itself as world leader by being an agrarian nation before we had our industrial revolution. In my Viridian REVELution we will show how the two go hand in hand. Without a healthy natural resource base, wealth is not possible. The natural resource base is THE ONLY SOURCE of wealth. Wake up America, your dreaming a reality TV opiate of the masses dream. Breathe the air of freedom while it’s still free. (remember when pure water was?.. Not many do anymore).

    Those who eat in harmony with the human biology (i.e., vegetarians) have less of a chance of developing aneurysms by way of Atheroma (the thickening of arteries from the depositing of plaque on artery walls). Arteriosclerosis is the hardening of artery walls. Atheroma & arteriosclerosis lead to atherosclerosis. People who develope these diseases usually become so fat & miserable that they want to die anyway, so nature helps them out by stopping their hearts for them. However, even vegetarians are at risk for aneurysm because of the mineral deficiencies in non-organically grown produce. Myself, being a vegetarian for most of my life may have suffered my burst AVM because of a copper deficiency.

   An AVM is a congenital condition (meaning something I was born with). This cluster of blood vessels in my brain with no capillaries between them which burst in Feb. of 2004 may have burst because a copper deficiency left my blood vessels in a non-elastic state, then when I increased pressure in these susceptible blood vessels while singing, they gave way. You can read more of that enchanting evening by clicking here.

   How ironic that an artist like Neil Young, who for so long has been a proponent of ecological conscientiousness & the American farmer should be blindsided by a condition that I contend came upon him via the destruction of the very farmlands he has fought so long & hard to protect during all his years of involvement with Farm Aid. I offer the data on copper under footnote 5 in support of my my contentions about mineral depleted farmlands & aneurysms:
My Editorial in Neil Young’s music..

(See the top of next column...)

My Editorial in Neil Young’s music..
   With Itunes you can click on the following songs & listen to Neil's music as you consider this article & what humankind is doing with this once balanced garden. Itunes is free to download & use on any system, including Windows, because Apple is cool like that. Download iTunes
download FREE iTunes player for Mac or Windows.

    Musical Editorial The once fertile American lands that were taken from a native people who honored them as owned only by the creator who offered them to his children for their living have, as each of us have, become a “Broken Arrow” . A blessing of these native stewards was “Long May You Run”. This was not meaning to run for your life, but to live long & free in God’s creations. It won't do no good livin’ on “Sugar Mountain” if the fields on which it stands lay fallow. Deserve a majestic “Country Home” surrounded by lush fields on which to lay with your true love beneath the "Harvest Moon". Protect "Mother Earth” & stand with us Viridians on the edge of a feather, “Expecting To Fly” . We need conscious change before we make ourselves physically Helpless "Helpless" from the destruction we have wrought in our arrogant defiance of natural, universal law. "Hey, Hey, My, My", we are headed "Into The Black". Will we "Keep On Rockin' In The Free World" or loose it all as did Rome in their decadence? See The "Needle & The Damage Done" to imagine with a tempered wisdom, a life "After The Gold Rush" born of a greedy industrial age. Amen, I say unto you, their "Comes A Time" to live by a "Heart Of Gold". What better time than now? Only Love Can Break Your Heart "Only Love Can Break Your Heart", but environmental destruction will break everything else.

How bad is this situation? Review the following statistics:

   ‘Factory’ farming, pesticides, & overproduction have taken their toll on America’s soils. 1992 Earth Summit statistics proclaimed the farmlands of N. America are the worst in the world---nearly 85% depleted of their mineral contents. The average American suffers from over 14 mineral deficiencies. Soil chemist Dr. A. F. Beddoe stated the following in a 1999 issue of Smart Business Magazine: “The longer I work with soil chemistry, the more I know our poorly mineralized food is robbing people of life."

      Do you think you’re OK because you take a multi-vitamin supplement? WRONG… Only a tiny fraction of mineral supplements on the market are in water soluble form. It is the natural cycle of sun, rain, soil bacteria, & plant root structures that produce the conversion of rock particles into bio-available minerals. These end up within fruits & vegetables grown in healthy soil. Those synthetic (i.e. man-made multi-vitamins) can't do what the biosphere did for us before we so arrogantly defied it's ways rather than investigating & developing technology that forms symbiotic relationships with the way the biosphere already perfectly forms & supports the life force.

      Our mechanized deathCULTure of drugs & synthetic chemistry continues to feed a vicious circle of side-effect problems that is forming a bio-accumulation vortex that threatens to swallow our entire human sideshow with most of the innocent bio-geochemical life-support systems of the planet. How bad does this situation have to get before we 'get it'? May your head not blow up in the mean-time..' Don't be a SCANNER living in the land of the dead. Do as Sir Winston Churchill once called for & "DESERVE VICTORY!"


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